Colette McGilchrist

Colette is currently employed as part of the senior midwifery leadership team at a large tertiary referral unit with her midwifery experience and learning spanning a variety of clinical midwifery settings in Scotland, Africa and England (including London).  

Colette has significant midwifery experience in all maternity disciplines, holding various senior roles including Maternity unit coordinator and emergency bleep holder, Labour Ward Lead Midwife, Post Natal Senior Sister, Maternity Transformation Lead Midwife and Lead Midwife for Maternity Inpatient Services.  She has a strong clinical skill set which has enabled her to become an integral part of the clinical multidisciplinary team, including participation in and leading emergencies and clinical decision making, with a particularly strong focus on managing safety in a busy and high risk unit. Colette has completed an MSc in Healthcare Management and holds various Leadership qualifications.

Continually striving for kind, respectful and personalised Maternity care, Colette advocates that all women, birthing people, babies and families have a positive and memorable experience of their journey through our maternity service. Her passion lies in fostering a psychologically safe environment for staff and a culture of learning, to ensure we continue to keep our Maternity Services safe and equitable for all who use then. 

Outside of work, Colette is a proud mother of 4 children. She enjoys long walks with the family dog, travel, reading and swimming. 

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