Dr Hannah Rayment-Jones

Dr Hannah Rayment-Jones is a midwife and Advanced NIHR Research Fellow in the Department of Women and Children’s Health at King’s College London. Qualifying as a midwife in 2006 she has worked in a range of clinical midwifery and obstetric settings, including the provision of continuity of care for women with social risk factors. Her research focuses on maternal and child health inequalities and has been largely informed by her clinical experience and strong interest in equity and social justice. 

Hannah completed a PhD in 2021 that explored how maternity care can improve clinical outcomes and experiences for women with low socio-economic status and social risk factors.  Her current research programme focuses on the long-term health and social outcomes of women and children with no recourse to public funds and irregular migrant status. Hannah has also worked on the national evaluation of the Maternal Mental Health Services (ESMI III) and the development of an intervention to support women who are separated from their babies at birth due to safeguarding concerns. She is committed to ensuring the patient voice is heard in all her research endeavours. 

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