Sandra Chitty

Sandra initially qualified as a registered nurse in 1985. She worked in this capacity before progressing to qualify as midwife in 1992. In her career, Sandra has worked in NHS midwifery roles in South East London; Pembrokeshire; East Anglia and South West England. In her professional life Sandra worked as frontline clinical midwife for many years before taking on clinical leadership roles and roles in risk management and practice development. In 2010 Sandra was appointed Head of Midwifery at Poole NHS Foundation Trust, a position she held until 2019 when she retired from full time work. She returned briefly to clinical work to support her local maternity service during the Covid pandemic. Since retiring from the NHS, Sandra has worked part-time as a Midwifery consultant undertaking clinical and staffing reviews for NHS Trusts who commission these. In addition, Sandra undertakes assignments as a midwifery reviewer for Healthcare Inspectorate Wales as part of the national maternity service review. 

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