Konstantina Stavrakelli

Konstantina is the Head of Midwifery at Barking, Havering, Redbridge NHS Trust, and a proud mother of two wonderful adults. She has worked in the NHS since 2007 and in leadership roles since 2010, having worked as senior manager in the private sector before she trained as midwife. Her previous roles in the NHS include Chief Midwife and Divisional Chief Nurse at Ashford and St Peter’s NHS Trust, Lead Midwife at St Mary’s Hospital, Imperial Healthcare Trust, Senior Matron at Kings College NHS Trust, and Intrapartum care Matron at Princess Alexandra Hospital NHS Trust.

Konstantina’s expertise as clinical midwife is in high risk midwifery care, fetal assessment, day assessment pathways, and clinical governance. The safety of midwifery practice and mothers and babies has always been her driving force. She is passionate in developing the midwives of the future with the objective they continue to provide care which is safe and in collaboration with the women and their families. She holds people to account and expects improvement outcomes which are robustly evidenced. Konstantina is dedicated to her profession and committed to the communities she serve. Her clinical strengths derive from her extensive knowledge of clinical governance but also the fact that she continues to work clinically during her tenure as senior NHS leader.

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