
  • The NHS is to provide an additional £95million of funding for improving maternity services following on from the Ockenden Review

    The NHS is to provide an additional £95million of funding for improving maternity services following on from the Ockenden Review

    The NHS is to spend £95million on improving safety in maternity services in England, following on from the first report of the Ockenden Review of maternity services at the Shrewsbury and Telford NHS Hospital Trust (SaTH).

    The report outlined the immediate and essential actions and local actions for learning to improve maternity care at SaTH and in the wider maternity system across England. 

    The additional money will be used to increase the numbers of midwives and doctors in hospitals. There will also be “training and development programmes to support culture and leadership”.

    Read NHS Improvement Board meeting papers  

    Read more on BBC News online

  • Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust sets up new Ockenden  Report Assurance Committee

    Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust sets up new Ockenden  Report Assurance Committee

    The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust (SaTH) has set up a new committee to ensure that all the essential actions for the Trust that were outlined last year, in the first report of the Ockenden Review,  – a review of maternity services at SaTH –  are being implemented.

    The committee titled the ‘Ockenden Report Assurance Committee’ (ORAC) held its first meeting on Thursday 25 March between 8.30 -11am. The ongoing meetings will be used to track the Trust’s progress on taking forward the essential actions of the Ockenden Review. 

    The meetings will be held in public to ensure transparency and with COVID restrictions still in place, people will also be able to watch the meetings online.Committee members will include the Trust’s Chief Executive, Louise Barnett, and representatives from partner organisations, including Shropshire and Telford and  Wrekin Maternity Voices Partnership, Clinical Commissioning Groups, and Healthwatch. 

  • Maternity Review Q&A with Donna Ockenden

    Please see below a short video recorded to capture family questions that were submitted to the Maternity Review Team following the publication of our first report.